Friday, December 17, 2010

Pet Names

3 weeks, 3 days

No, not the furry kind of pet names; the human kind. Twenty-four days old and Gwen already has a plethora of "pet names" that I call her:

1. Dolly - I started calling her this pretty much from the time we came home from the hospital when she was three days old. Funny thing is, when I told my mom I was calling Gwen "Dolly", mom told me that her mom had called her that as a baby - I never knew!

2. Raptor - This is thanks to the noise she emits when she's stretching out in her bassinet; usually as she is falling asleep.

3. Puppy Dog - This is also thanks to the noise she emits randomly, but again, mostly as she is falling asleep. I am going to attribute this to the fact she has two doggy's around and listened to them woof all the time for the nine months she incubated.

4. Squeaker - Once again thanks to the noise she makes sometimes; this one is very cute to hear.

5. Sunshine - The name I typically greet her with in the morning.

6. Starshine - Also a morning greeting; I sometimes tell her: Good Morning Starshine, the Earth say's "Hello!".

7. Zombie Baby - Yes, you read that correctly, "Zombie Baby". Gwen sometimes gets so excited when we offer her a bottle or paci that she shakes her head frantically which consequently makes it nearly impossible to get the bottle or paci in her mouth causing more frantic head shaking. (As a side note: I have been captivated by the hit TV series "The Walking Dead" on AMC Sunday nights which was filmed and takes place right here in Atlanta, Georgia [plug]. I am super sad that the first season is over and the second season won't make it's appearance until next OCTOBER! Anyway, that's where I got the idea for this particular "pet name").

I am sure there will be many more to come!

My little "Dolly" ♥

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! I definitely call Graham Sunshine in the morning (well, when I am not calling him Sleepyhead).
