3 weeks
Today my daughter is three weeks old and the way her nightly feedings fall I was up and rocking a very sleepy little girl at exactly 4:24 this morning. I happened to look at the clock at 4:20 and while she was fast alseep and ready to be layed back down I continued to hold her until 4:24 at which point I quietly sang her "Happy Birthday".
I tried to remember exactly how I felt at the precise moment she was born; despite being incredibly exhausted I was elated, over-the-moon, and glad that she arrived safely. I will never forget her first little cry, her little eyes darting around the delivery room as if she was looking for me and the way she listened so intently when she first heard me softly speak to her.
Happy 3 Weeks to my precious little girl ♥
Today my daughter is three weeks old and the way her nightly feedings fall I was up and rocking a very sleepy little girl at exactly 4:24 this morning. I happened to look at the clock at 4:20 and while she was fast alseep and ready to be layed back down I continued to hold her until 4:24 at which point I quietly sang her "Happy Birthday".
I tried to remember exactly how I felt at the precise moment she was born; despite being incredibly exhausted I was elated, over-the-moon, and glad that she arrived safely. I will never forget her first little cry, her little eyes darting around the delivery room as if she was looking for me and the way she listened so intently when she first heard me softly speak to her.
Happy 3 Weeks to my precious little girl ♥
Minutes Old ~ 11/23/10
Happy 3 weeks beautiful Gwen! I hope to see you and your mommy again soon.