Wednesday, November 16, 2011


11 Months, 3 weeks
One year ago today I was 40 weeks pregnant with Gwen. I was ready to meet my sweet little munchkin, but she had other plans. With an induction date set, little did I know I still had a week to go. I can remember that night heading home from work and stopping off at Petsmart to pick up dog food for the fur babies. The cashier was really sweet and we chatted for a moment and then the inevitable question came up: "So when are you due?" My reply: "Today." I'll never forget that exchange with the cashier, because at that point her eyes got incredibly large like I was a ticking time bomb with seconds left to explosion. It was so funny, and all that week I really did feel like a ticking time bomb.
It's hard to believe that in seven short days that little, screaming, pink baby I nursed in my arms for the first time in the recovery room will be one year old. No longer an infant but an official toddler; cruising along furniture, waving bye-bye, pointing, clapping, babbling, eating solids, and soooo close to walking. With each passing day, Gwen amazes me more than the previous as she grows and learns. She is getting so big and the random nights that are spent awake rocking her back to sleep are becoming more and more precious.

1 comment:

  1. I can hardly believe she's almost a year old myself! She'll be walking before you know it!

    I was at a G-Braves game 5 days after my due date (trying to pass time... and hoping "Murphey's Law" might cause some action). I walked into an air-conditioned restaurant for a few moments to cool off (this was late June after all) and a very friendly waitress offered me some water and asked when my due date was. "Oh, five days ago...". Imagine the look on her face!
