Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful For You

One Year, One Day

Gwen celebrated her 1st birthday yesterday. We had her party on Saturday and everything was perfect - 5 months of planning really paid off. So many wonderful memories were made and I am looking forward to another year of wonder and magic with my sweet, little girl.

Thanksgiving last year was spent in the hospital, but I had so much to be thankful for; namely a perfect, adorable newborn. This year I am thankful for the past 12 months - watching her grow and change, and I am in awe at how quickly she is becoming her own little person with likes and dislikes. Looking forward to her second Christmas and a visit to see SANTA! :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


11 Months, 3 weeks
One year ago today I was 40 weeks pregnant with Gwen. I was ready to meet my sweet little munchkin, but she had other plans. With an induction date set, little did I know I still had a week to go. I can remember that night heading home from work and stopping off at Petsmart to pick up dog food for the fur babies. The cashier was really sweet and we chatted for a moment and then the inevitable question came up: "So when are you due?" My reply: "Today." I'll never forget that exchange with the cashier, because at that point her eyes got incredibly large like I was a ticking time bomb with seconds left to explosion. It was so funny, and all that week I really did feel like a ticking time bomb.
It's hard to believe that in seven short days that little, screaming, pink baby I nursed in my arms for the first time in the recovery room will be one year old. No longer an infant but an official toddler; cruising along furniture, waving bye-bye, pointing, clapping, babbling, eating solids, and soooo close to walking. With each passing day, Gwen amazes me more than the previous as she grows and learns. She is getting so big and the random nights that are spent awake rocking her back to sleep are becoming more and more precious.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Dear Gwen

10 months, 1 week
Dear Gwen:
Sometimes at night I will hear you stir and I'll watch you on the monitor. You toss and turn and I wonder what you are dreaming of. Your puppy dogs? Your kitty cat? The fun you had from playing all day with minimal naps?
You are getting so big! So bright! So incredibly cute and funny.
You've started daycare a few days a week. I was so worried in the beginning, but I know you have so much fun playing with the other children. I love seeing the artwork you "create" with the help from your teachers, and I am secretely plotting on how I can "steal" it from the classroom walls to proudly display on our fridge.
You've gotten germs and consequently sick. I've fretted and felt completely powerless to make you feel well. Worst. Feeling. In. The. World. It's funny, how now that you are here, your well-being is the most important thing in the world to me. Nothing else matters. Any little sniffle, sneeze, or cough sends me into panic mode. I want only to see you thrive. You do.
You are crawling. EVERY WHERE. And when I hold your hands and you take those little tippy-toed steps my heart melts completely. Very soon you will be running all over the place without my help.
Every morning that I am greeted by those great big, good morning smiles makes me glad it's another day but I miss you terribly when I'm at work and not with you. I used to worry that you wouldn't bond with me the way I have bonded with you, but when you see me after a long day away, you flash me a toothy grin and make a bee-line right for me. Best. Feeling. In. The. World.
It's hard to believe almost a year has gone by. So very soon we will be celebrating your first birthday! Wow. Can I stop time? Just for a little while?
You make me happy. So very HAPPY.
I love you to the moon and back,

Saturday, July 30, 2011

More Milestones and Fernbank Fun

8 Months, 1 Week
Wow. This past month has flown by. I really wish I could remember to post more often, but life with an 8 month old is starting to get very interesting and between work and being a mother, I am kept very busy!
Gwen can crawl! Well, mostly. She still hasn't quite figured how to get up on her knees, but she will use her arms and kick her legs and drag herself across the floor. Remember long ago how I called her my Zombie Baby? Well that was back when she would make strange noises, now it's because of her "crawl".
She is getting to be such a big little girl! She is so smart and hangs on every word we say. I just know she is taking it all in; my little sponge. She loves to string the sounds "da" and "na" together. If only she would say "ma". I know my heart would just melt!
Teeth! Gwen is working on 2 more! First, her two bottom teeth came in. Now she has her two top teeth trying to work their way through her gums. You can see them just underneath. Poor thing has had a couple of pretty miserable days here and there thanks to those teeth, and they are still not all the way in!
We took Gwen to Fernbank's Natural Museum of Science and History last weekend. We took tons of pictures and Gwen had a fun time. She is definitely a "people watcher" like her mommy - my little "nosey pants", ha ha ha. We went to see the Mythical Creatures Exhibit and it was very fascinating. There is a GIANT Unicorn on display and Bryan captured a fantastic picture of Gwen and myself. Gwen was so in awe of that Unicorn. I think the verdict might be in: Mommy loves owls, but Gwen loves Unicorns!!! Of course, we had to buy her one of her very own - luckily, hers, is much smaller.
Gwen was IN LOVE with the majestic Unicorn.
A Unicorn of Gwen's very own!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Five Month Countdown!

7 Months, 1 Week

As Gwen quickly approaches her first birthday I can't help but get so excited. I am glad it is still five months away, because the thought of her being a year old already is CRAZY! But at the same time, I am thrilled to begin planning the first of many, many wonderful birthday celebrations to come!

I know that some people go overboard when it comes to a child's first birthday. A party at that age is more for the parents, family, and friends, then it is for the child. However, how can one not celebrate, with zeal, all the amazing, wonderful, breath-taking moments that have led up to that day? The changes that take place in a child's first year of life are amazing! So much happens in such a tiny span of time. No matter if the party is for 10 people or 100, I think a first birthday should be extra special.

I'm giving myself plenty of time to come up with some super cute ideas for her party; I don't plan on things getting expensive - just very thoughtful. So much fun! To the drawing board!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Eat your Veggies!

6 months, 3 weeks, 6 days
Gwen has graduated to baby food! And she LOVES it. It's actually been about three weeks since we started her on the jars of very runny (basically liquified) vegetables, but today is the first day I thought to blog about it.
Green beans were first up, and although she ate them, I could tell they weren't going to be her favorite. Next up were peas and Gwen LOVED them thanks to their natural sweetness. Sweet Potatoes are also a big hit with her. Carrots? Not so fond of them, and Squash also seems to not be one of her favorites.
Although I have read that babies this age still haven't fully developed their taste buds, I like to think that she will continue to love her vegetables as she gets older. I remember as a child there were a few vegetables I wasn't a big fan so it will be interesting to see what she thinks of those less "popular" ones as she grows.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

New Tricks

6 Months, 3 weeks, 2 days

Gwen is one week shy of seven months and she has a few new tricks up her sleeve. She can sit unassisted (although every now and then she loses her balance) and, when lying on her tummy, can pivot with her arms to grab her favorite toys. It is so amazing to see her grow and reach new milestones.

Before we know it she will be crawling, so babyproofing the house is definitely in order! Gates? Check. Wall outlet covers? Check. Cabinet safety locks? Need to purchase. And the list goes on...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The First of Many

6 months, 2 days

It has been over a month since I last blogged. Far too long. A lot of wonderful things have happened in the past month marking the first of many "Firsts" to come:
  1. Gwen rolled over for the first time! (4/9/11)
  2. Gwen tried oatmeal cereal for the first time (4/23/11) She couldn't decide if she liked it or not, and there was much more ON her than IN her when we were finished!
  3. Gwen's first tooth broke through her gum (We noticed on 4/30/11) Actually, it was her first TWO teeth! She's already an over achiever, hehehe
  4. I celebrated my first Mother's Day (5/8/11) Gwen "helped" me make my first piece of fridge art!
  5. We took our first family vacation to the beach (5/14/11) Gwen let out a loud squeal when the waves touched her feet. It was priceless.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Five Months of Love and Laughter

5 months old

Today my sweet little girl is 5 months old. Wow. Just, wow.

Every day, every week, my heart just keeps growing. It was love at first sight when Gwen was born, but I've discovered that love never stops growing. I wonder if someday my heart will burst from just how much I love my daughter, or if the love will just start overflowing, cascading down the sides of my heart, seeping out into the world.

Gwen is becoming her own little person, and I feel like it is such a blessing to be a part of this little girl's life. I am so proud to be her mother and she my daughter. My daughter. It feels so wonderful to write those words. My mother and I have always had such a close relationship and I would love nothing more in the world than to have a similar relationship with my daughter.

The other day I had her in an outfit that said, "I'm Mommy's dream come true". Some days I wonder how could I have been so lucky to have Gwen. Not some other child, but Gwen. She is so special. I can't imagine life without her. It's like she was always meant to be; all those years just waiting to be born and now she's here and it's like she's always been here. Only five months on this Earth and I feel like she has always been a part of Bryan and I's life. I sometimes joke with Bryan that she is the best gift he has ever given me, but it's true.

When Gwen was just a few days old I had her laying in her bassinet, on the verge of falling asleep, and I had the Dixie Chick's "Lullaby" song playing in the background. That is my song to Gwen: "Life began when I saw your face and I hear your laugh like a serenade/How long do you want to be loved?/Is forever enough, is forever enough?"

Happy 5 months to My Everything, My Gwen.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Care Bear Stare!

18 weeks, 1 day old

Today I feel very nostalgic. I have definitely been feeling this way since the birth of Gwen but today, in particular, I feel very much so.

On the way home I stopped to get gas and went in a nearby Blockbuster that is going out of business. I wanted to see if I could snag any great deals on some children's videos to grow Gwen's collection. Unfortunately, there wasn't many good ones left but I did score a copy of "The Care Bears Movie". Ahhhhh....memories. Share Bear. Good Luck Bear. True Heart Bear. Good stuff, for sure. Of course I'll start collecting all the Disney movies (B purchased the new release of my all-time fav "Beauty and the Beast") but I want to get Gwen all the really old 80's cartoons and movies that I grew up with. "The Care Bears Movie" is from 1985 - I was a little older than two.

Now this is where I start to sound old (although my mother assures me I am not). There are so many movies and cartoons out today that I just don't feel are appropriate for the age groups that watch them. I want Gwen to grow up experiencing the "good clean fun" that I did. I wonder if every generation feels that way? It just really seems like every decade becomes more and more complicated. Of course, for all the cartoons that I deem inappropraite there are many that are wonderful. Sesame Street? Classic and still around to this day - love it. I have discovered Super Why, Sid the Science Kid, and many more. I guess my concern is with the shows that are geared to the older crowd; I am not a fan of SpongeBob, for example.

I wonder what cartoons will be on in a few years from now when Gwen is more of the "watching" age. Right now she enjoys the flashing colors and shapes, but it won't be long before the words and storyline will have meaning and impact. In the meantime, I think I'll make a list of my favorites and start checking them off.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

4 Months Old

16 weeks

It's hard to believe my little girl is 4 months old!

I wish I had taken today off from work to spend with her in celebration, but I really need to keep my days off for emergency, illness and most importantly our family vacation in May! I miss her so much when I am at work. I have her picture on my desktop and everytime I close a program and see her smiling as big as she can I can't help but smile too.

I've been taking monthly photos of her and to see the progression she has made is surreal. She looks very different at four months old then she did at one month old. It's amazing how fast they grow! I remember how I felt when I packed up her newborn clothes; slightly sad to see the little outfits tucked away. Well this week I packed up her three months clothes and while six month clothes are still big on her she'll grow into them quickly.

Gwen has her four month wellness visit next week and I am NOT looking forward to more vaccines. I hate seeing her get upset and I'm always worried that she'll have some kind of reaction even though she did very well with her two month vaccines. I can't wait to find out what she weighs - it's always a guessing game but I know she'd definitely gained. I really notice it when I am trying to lug her around in her carseat - it just seems heavier and heavier everytime I lift it!

I know the next four months will go as quickly as the first. I am enjoying her being "little" but unfortunately little girls grow up and Gwen is doing just that!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Moo, Baa, La La La

15 weeks, 4 days

Gwen's favorite book is "Moo, Baa, La La La" by Sandra Boynton. It's so cute to see her smile as I make the silly animal noises. It's such a short, simple book that I have it memorized. Sometimes I recite it to her without the book open - driving in the car, getting her diaper changed. It doesn't matter. She coos just the same and gives me the biggest smiles. I have to admit I love the book too - super cute - and I look forward to the day when Gwen tries to make the animal noises with me too.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday

15 weeks, 1 day

I have been following several new blogs as of lately. One in particular has struck my heartstrings. Let me briefly tell you the story of the Staats. Shortly after turning four months old their daughter Maddie passed away suddenly and for no apparent reason. Maddie's mommy and daddy love her very much and miss her dearly but each day they are growing a little stronger ( Their strength and faith has been incredibly inspiring and their lives have touched many people. Maddie grew her angel wings exactly one month ago today. In her honor, I am participating in Thankful Thursday.

Lately I have become much more aware of the good things in my life. It's so easy to get caught up in life's daily struggles, but Gwen is teaching me not to sweat the small stuff. The worst day can become the best day just by seeing her smile. To her the world is not so complicated - eat, sleep, is good. I am trying so hard to never take a single day for granted. The grief of strangers reminds me of just how precious each day on this earth is with one another. Today I am thankful for the life I have been given. I hugged Gwen a little tighter. I sang to her a little louder. I read to her a little longer. I felt content that even though I don't have everything I may want, I have everything I need.

My princess, Gwen.

Friday, March 4, 2011

My Favorite Thing

13 weeks, 5 days

There are many things that I love about being a Mommy. Let me share with you my #1: Holding Gwen in my arms while she sleeps. It's intoxicating. I felt that way about nursing and although that didn't work out as planned I would always feel so at peace when Gwen nursed. This is what usually happens: Gwen will be crying hysterically (usually from a tummy ache - she has bad gas). I'll pick her up, hold her close against me, and stand rocking gently side to side whispering to her that it's okay. Give it five minutes or less and she falls asleep in my arms. It makes me feel so good inside. I like to think that she feels so secure in my arms (and she is). I am her protector. I will never, ever let any harm come to her. I wish moments like those could last forever. I could hold her all night long like that but I usually end up gently laying her in her crib for a brief nap and then she awakes with smiles. So rewarding. So in love.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

3 Months Old

12 weeks

Today Gwen is 3 months old. It feels like just yesterday I was blogging about Gwen turning 3 weeks! Before you know it I will be celebrating her 3rd birthday (I just can't think that far ahead - although I will admit I am already planning her 1st birthday, after all, you only turn 1 once!)

I have not blogged in such a long time that I will make up for it in this post.

So much has happened in the last two months. Gwen is getting so big and so sweet. She has discovered her hands and is a thumb sucker. Paci, who? Her thumb tastes much better! She loves to smile and is starting to coo. She has recently discovered television and I am revisiting all of my old favorite childhood shows - I can already tell that Sesame Street is going to be a favorite of hers! She loves to be sung to and has discovered her own reflection. She loves many things but she HATES tummy time.

Gwen has grown out of her newborn clothes and it was a sad day when I packed up her little outfits and neatly stored them away for future use or eventually donation. Her 0-3 months clothes fit her decently, although some are a little long on her so I am resigned to rolling up sleeves and pant legs for awhile longer. I love discovering "new" adorable outfits that I forgot I had received as gifts back when I was pregnant. There are so many cute things to dress her in but my favorite are the clothes that have owls on them.

We are currently working on turning the office into Gwen's playroom. I know it will be a few more months before she actual starts "playing" in it, but that gives me plenty of time to get it ready. I can't wait for the day when she is old enough to have tea parties with her daddy and teddy bears or story time with mommy; they are so many memories just waiting to be made!

Happy 3 months to my sweet little girl Gwen!!!