Saturday, April 23, 2011

Five Months of Love and Laughter

5 months old

Today my sweet little girl is 5 months old. Wow. Just, wow.

Every day, every week, my heart just keeps growing. It was love at first sight when Gwen was born, but I've discovered that love never stops growing. I wonder if someday my heart will burst from just how much I love my daughter, or if the love will just start overflowing, cascading down the sides of my heart, seeping out into the world.

Gwen is becoming her own little person, and I feel like it is such a blessing to be a part of this little girl's life. I am so proud to be her mother and she my daughter. My daughter. It feels so wonderful to write those words. My mother and I have always had such a close relationship and I would love nothing more in the world than to have a similar relationship with my daughter.

The other day I had her in an outfit that said, "I'm Mommy's dream come true". Some days I wonder how could I have been so lucky to have Gwen. Not some other child, but Gwen. She is so special. I can't imagine life without her. It's like she was always meant to be; all those years just waiting to be born and now she's here and it's like she's always been here. Only five months on this Earth and I feel like she has always been a part of Bryan and I's life. I sometimes joke with Bryan that she is the best gift he has ever given me, but it's true.

When Gwen was just a few days old I had her laying in her bassinet, on the verge of falling asleep, and I had the Dixie Chick's "Lullaby" song playing in the background. That is my song to Gwen: "Life began when I saw your face and I hear your laugh like a serenade/How long do you want to be loved?/Is forever enough, is forever enough?"

Happy 5 months to My Everything, My Gwen.

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