12 weeks
Today Gwen is 3 months old. It feels like just yesterday I was blogging about Gwen turning 3 weeks! Before you know it I will be celebrating her 3rd birthday (I just can't think that far ahead - although I will admit I am already planning her 1st birthday, after all, you only turn 1 once!)
I have not blogged in such a long time that I will make up for it in this post.
So much has happened in the last two months. Gwen is getting so big and so sweet. She has discovered her hands and is a thumb sucker. Paci, who? Her thumb tastes much better! She loves to smile and is starting to coo. She has recently discovered television and I am revisiting all of my old favorite childhood shows - I can already tell that Sesame Street is going to be a favorite of hers! She loves to be sung to and has discovered her own reflection. She loves many things but she HATES tummy time.
Gwen has grown out of her newborn clothes and it was a sad day when I packed up her little outfits and neatly stored them away for future use or eventually donation. Her 0-3 months clothes fit her decently, although some are a little long on her so I am resigned to rolling up sleeves and pant legs for awhile longer. I love discovering "new" adorable outfits that I forgot I had received as gifts back when I was pregnant. There are so many cute things to dress her in but my favorite are the clothes that have owls on them.
We are currently working on turning the office into Gwen's playroom. I know it will be a few more months before she actual starts "playing" in it, but that gives me plenty of time to get it ready. I can't wait for the day when she is old enough to have tea parties with her daddy and teddy bears or story time with mommy; they are so many memories just waiting to be made!
Happy 3 months to my sweet little girl Gwen!!!
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