Oh my! We have a bona fide toddler in the house! My little one year old is no more.
Funny how when Gwen was one year old I still considered her a baby and could get away with thinking like that. Even at twenty-three months, practically two, she was still my "baby". No mistaking now that all traces of baby are quickly disappearing - the one hold out: Gwen is still in her crib (for the time being). Diapers have been exchanged for pull-ups and potty training is in full swing, highchair has been swapped for a booster seat, and car seat has been turned around and Gwen is now front facing.
I am not as sad as I thought I would be. Gwen is so sweet and so full of life that there is always something new she's learning and doing that makes me enjoy her current age immensely. Everyday is filled with laughter (and a good measure of frustration). Silliness is at an all time high in our house and Gwen is spurred on by both her Daddy and I (although Bryan will always be the sillier parent - and I mean that in a good way, ha ha ha). Independence and a strong Will are also at an all time high. I wouldn't call them the Terrible Two's because for the most part Gwen is a very "easy" child to rear, with loads of patience (she get's that from her Daddy). However, she also has a lovely stubborn streak (she get's that from BOTH of us) and, as is typical of any two year old, is learning that she can (attempt) do to things for herself. Unfortunately, those things may not always be the safest.
Her birthday PAWty went well. Gwen had a puppy themed birthday this year! I'll post again with all the pictures and details - hopefully sooner than later.
CUTENESS OVERLOAD is how I would sum up this current stage in Gwen's life. She does things every day that make me smile and realize how sweet children are and can be. Most of my former interaction with children came from babysitting as a teenager and I can't quite recall ever having as much FUN with a child as I do with Gwen. The other day Gwen insisted I push one of her two shopping carts around and around in circles with her but it was the way she did it that was so cute. She likes to point to places where you specifically should be/hold/sit, etc. She will tap her little finger in the exact spot. So I was directed as to where to hold the handle much less which shopping cart I was to play with (she took the bigger cart, of course). Adorable. Her latest thing is to say "Bye-Bye" at night as we are leaving her room after putting her to bed. She says it so softly and will repeat herself until you respond back with "Bye-Bye" as well. Bye-bye sounds so finite. I am hoping she soon learns she can say "Night-Night" instead, LOL! She LOVES shopping (definitely my daughter - as if there was ever any doubt!) and will carry around bags and put any random object she can find in it. There are probably at least three or four bags laying somewhere around the house that I will come across filled with toys, piece of paper, socks, etc. Too funny!
WORDS! Slowly, but surely, Gwen is practicing stringing words together! "MY Daddy", "Pee-Pee Potty" and "Pretty lights" (she LOVES the Christmas lights outside) are just a few that I have overheard.
Whew! I know that was all pretty random but I don't blog as often as I should and it all seems to just come tumbling out - all my random thoughts - when I do finally sit down to post. Possible New Year's resolution? Blog more often!