Oh my! We have a bona fide toddler in the house! My little one year old is no more.
Funny how when Gwen was one year old I still considered her a baby and could get away with thinking like that. Even at twenty-three months, practically two, she was still my "baby". No mistaking now that all traces of baby are quickly disappearing - the one hold out: Gwen is still in her crib (for the time being). Diapers have been exchanged for pull-ups and potty training is in full swing, highchair has been swapped for a booster seat, and car seat has been turned around and Gwen is now front facing.
I am not as sad as I thought I would be. Gwen is so sweet and so full of life that there is always something new she's learning and doing that makes me enjoy her current age immensely. Everyday is filled with laughter (and a good measure of frustration). Silliness is at an all time high in our house and Gwen is spurred on by both her Daddy and I (although Bryan will always be the sillier parent - and I mean that in a good way, ha ha ha). Independence and a strong Will are also at an all time high. I wouldn't call them the Terrible Two's because for the most part Gwen is a very "easy" child to rear, with loads of patience (she get's that from her Daddy). However, she also has a lovely stubborn streak (she get's that from BOTH of us) and, as is typical of any two year old, is learning that she can (attempt) do to things for herself. Unfortunately, those things may not always be the safest.
Her birthday PAWty went well. Gwen had a puppy themed birthday this year! I'll post again with all the pictures and details - hopefully sooner than later.
CUTENESS OVERLOAD is how I would sum up this current stage in Gwen's life. She does things every day that make me smile and realize how sweet children are and can be. Most of my former interaction with children came from babysitting as a teenager and I can't quite recall ever having as much FUN with a child as I do with Gwen. The other day Gwen insisted I push one of her two shopping carts around and around in circles with her but it was the way she did it that was so cute. She likes to point to places where you specifically should be/hold/sit, etc. She will tap her little finger in the exact spot. So I was directed as to where to hold the handle much less which shopping cart I was to play with (she took the bigger cart, of course). Adorable. Her latest thing is to say "Bye-Bye" at night as we are leaving her room after putting her to bed. She says it so softly and will repeat herself until you respond back with "Bye-Bye" as well. Bye-bye sounds so finite. I am hoping she soon learns she can say "Night-Night" instead, LOL! She LOVES shopping (definitely my daughter - as if there was ever any doubt!) and will carry around bags and put any random object she can find in it. There are probably at least three or four bags laying somewhere around the house that I will come across filled with toys, piece of paper, socks, etc. Too funny!
WORDS! Slowly, but surely, Gwen is practicing stringing words together! "MY Daddy", "Pee-Pee Potty" and "Pretty lights" (she LOVES the Christmas lights outside) are just a few that I have overheard.
Whew! I know that was all pretty random but I don't blog as often as I should and it all seems to just come tumbling out - all my random thoughts - when I do finally sit down to post. Possible New Year's resolution? Blog more often!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Stationery card
Bright Merry Wishes Holiday Card
To view our most popular holiday card designs, click here.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Are Kids Like Potato Chips?
Can you really ever just have one?
Don't worry: I'm NOT pregnant, but sometimes when Gwen is being especially cute the desire for another child is STRONG. And lately, Gwen has been flat out ADORABLE!!!
The best/cutest thing she does is run up to me and throw her arms around my legs giving me a great big hug. MELTS my heart every.single.time. She is such a loving child - I know I just said it in the last blog entry, but man, this child is a very emotional being; so incredibly expressive, and it makes me super proud. I guess, partly, because I am the same way. I've never been able to hide what I am feeling - good or bad - and it thrills me to know that while Gwen may look like her Daddy more than her Mommy, she definitely has my personality <3
Don't worry: I'm NOT pregnant, but sometimes when Gwen is being especially cute the desire for another child is STRONG. And lately, Gwen has been flat out ADORABLE!!!
The best/cutest thing she does is run up to me and throw her arms around my legs giving me a great big hug. MELTS my heart every.single.time. She is such a loving child - I know I just said it in the last blog entry, but man, this child is a very emotional being; so incredibly expressive, and it makes me super proud. I guess, partly, because I am the same way. I've never been able to hide what I am feeling - good or bad - and it thrills me to know that while Gwen may look like her Daddy more than her Mommy, she definitely has my personality <3
Monday, August 27, 2012
Another Year. Almost.
21 Months old!
Oh my. WHERE has the time flown? I can't believe Gwen is almost another year older, but I can believe that I haven't posted in almost all that same time! Ugh. I'm a HORRIBLE blogger, but I promise I am a GREAT Mother, LOL!
Where do I even begin?
Walking and talking! Gwen has been keeping us busy! Gwen took her first solo steps at 13 months, 1 day. The weeks leading up to then were spent practicing holding onto Mommy's and Daddy's hands. Since then she has never looked back and I think one of her favorite things to do is RUN around the house. She loves to make a circle between our living room, dining room, and kitchen. Around and around. Gwen is adding new words to her vocabulary every week. Just yesterday, as clear as day, she said "Thank You!" (and signed it at the same time!). I'm such a proud Momma! Gwen is going to have great manners ;) Here is a (growing) list of words Gwen can say, although she hasn't quite figured out that she can string words together to make sentences: Momma, Dadda, Car, Doggie, Cat, Baby, Night-Night, Bye-Bye, Ball, Bubble, Quack (for a duck), Please (although it's more like "Psssss" and she will sign that one too), and Book. She signs "More" and ONE TIME I heard her say (actually, it was more like a scream) "More Momma!!!!" when I was too slow feeding her Mandarin Oranges one at a time! She has yet to repeat that one.
I really have to take a moment to say what a wonderful, little girl I have. Someday when you read this, Gwen, I want you to know that you were such a sweet and tolerant baby. Don't get me wrong, you have your moments of breakdowns and tantrums, but all in all you are such a patient child and so loving...and SILLY!
Gwen is so full of smiles and giggles, well all emotions, really. She is such an expressive child. You can easily tell what she is feeling because she is not afraid to show it. I have the cutest picture of her with her scowling. For the longest time I had it in a frame that said "This face makes me smile". Actually, that face makes me LAUGH. One of the sweetest things is how Gwen gets the hiccups every time you make her laugh really hard - which is easy to do. One of Gwen's favorite things to do is play peak-a-boo. I always thought it would be so hard to act silly or playful with my child. I've never really been the type, as an adult, to act silly and let go, but I am so surprised at how easy and naturally it comes to me now that I have Gwen and need to do those kinds of things with her. Really, she is super easy to please when it comes to playing, and I am lucky it doesn't take much to entertain her. Again, Gwen is just such a laid back easy-going child. Thank you. In addition to playing peak-a-boo, Gwen LOVES being chased. It always elicits squeals and giggles from her. Another Gwen loves? Dancing! Almost any time she hears music she will dance around, even in the car! So silly; we have "dance parties" all the time! I just have to say the words, "Dance Party!" and Gwen will shake her hands and bob her head - she really gets into it. The cutest thing is how she will try and mimic me at dancing - don't know if that is a good thing or not, as I don't have the best moves or rhythm! What else does Gwen love? Her thumb! Oh my, we have a thumb sucker! I have no clue how she is going to grow out of it. You can't just take it away!! Almost two and no stopping in sight. I'm not overly concerned. Yet.
Some times at night Gwen will wake up screaming. It comes in cycles which leads me to believe the sleepless nights coordinate with her teething - those big two year old molars are coming in. Gwen has TONS of teeth and up until recently it was a battle to get her to "brush" them. We bought her a spin brush that we decorated with stickers and that has seemed to really help.
We are slow to start potty training, although we have had a few successes with Gwen going on the potty. They are just far and few between and we have even had a few weeks where we were met with resistance to the potty altogether - refusal and screams. Luckily, she is back to being okay with it. I really feel like we need to step it up a notch and get the ball rolling. A lot of people say it gets harder if you wait too long. I know my Mom had me and my brother completely trained by 18 months so I feel like I am slacking in that department, although, I will say she was a SAHM and time was on her side.
Whew! I feel like this is a TON for one post, but I guess that is what happens when you wait almost a full year to post again! I will say it's that time of year again and party planning is in full swing! This year Gwen is going to have Puppy Themed birthday and BOY do I have some cute ideas planned!
I'll end this post here but I will leave you this:
Oh my. WHERE has the time flown? I can't believe Gwen is almost another year older, but I can believe that I haven't posted in almost all that same time! Ugh. I'm a HORRIBLE blogger, but I promise I am a GREAT Mother, LOL!
Where do I even begin?
Walking and talking! Gwen has been keeping us busy! Gwen took her first solo steps at 13 months, 1 day. The weeks leading up to then were spent practicing holding onto Mommy's and Daddy's hands. Since then she has never looked back and I think one of her favorite things to do is RUN around the house. She loves to make a circle between our living room, dining room, and kitchen. Around and around. Gwen is adding new words to her vocabulary every week. Just yesterday, as clear as day, she said "Thank You!" (and signed it at the same time!). I'm such a proud Momma! Gwen is going to have great manners ;) Here is a (growing) list of words Gwen can say, although she hasn't quite figured out that she can string words together to make sentences: Momma, Dadda, Car, Doggie, Cat, Baby, Night-Night, Bye-Bye, Ball, Bubble, Quack (for a duck), Please (although it's more like "Psssss" and she will sign that one too), and Book. She signs "More" and ONE TIME I heard her say (actually, it was more like a scream) "More Momma!!!!" when I was too slow feeding her Mandarin Oranges one at a time! She has yet to repeat that one.
I really have to take a moment to say what a wonderful, little girl I have. Someday when you read this, Gwen, I want you to know that you were such a sweet and tolerant baby. Don't get me wrong, you have your moments of breakdowns and tantrums, but all in all you are such a patient child and so loving...and SILLY!
Gwen is so full of smiles and giggles, well all emotions, really. She is such an expressive child. You can easily tell what she is feeling because she is not afraid to show it. I have the cutest picture of her with her scowling. For the longest time I had it in a frame that said "This face makes me smile". Actually, that face makes me LAUGH. One of the sweetest things is how Gwen gets the hiccups every time you make her laugh really hard - which is easy to do. One of Gwen's favorite things to do is play peak-a-boo. I always thought it would be so hard to act silly or playful with my child. I've never really been the type, as an adult, to act silly and let go, but I am so surprised at how easy and naturally it comes to me now that I have Gwen and need to do those kinds of things with her. Really, she is super easy to please when it comes to playing, and I am lucky it doesn't take much to entertain her. Again, Gwen is just such a laid back easy-going child. Thank you. In addition to playing peak-a-boo, Gwen LOVES being chased. It always elicits squeals and giggles from her. Another Gwen loves? Dancing! Almost any time she hears music she will dance around, even in the car! So silly; we have "dance parties" all the time! I just have to say the words, "Dance Party!" and Gwen will shake her hands and bob her head - she really gets into it. The cutest thing is how she will try and mimic me at dancing - don't know if that is a good thing or not, as I don't have the best moves or rhythm! What else does Gwen love? Her thumb! Oh my, we have a thumb sucker! I have no clue how she is going to grow out of it. You can't just take it away!! Almost two and no stopping in sight. I'm not overly concerned. Yet.
Some times at night Gwen will wake up screaming. It comes in cycles which leads me to believe the sleepless nights coordinate with her teething - those big two year old molars are coming in. Gwen has TONS of teeth and up until recently it was a battle to get her to "brush" them. We bought her a spin brush that we decorated with stickers and that has seemed to really help.
We are slow to start potty training, although we have had a few successes with Gwen going on the potty. They are just far and few between and we have even had a few weeks where we were met with resistance to the potty altogether - refusal and screams. Luckily, she is back to being okay with it. I really feel like we need to step it up a notch and get the ball rolling. A lot of people say it gets harder if you wait too long. I know my Mom had me and my brother completely trained by 18 months so I feel like I am slacking in that department, although, I will say she was a SAHM and time was on her side.
Whew! I feel like this is a TON for one post, but I guess that is what happens when you wait almost a full year to post again! I will say it's that time of year again and party planning is in full swing! This year Gwen is going to have Puppy Themed birthday and BOY do I have some cute ideas planned!
I'll end this post here but I will leave you this:
![]() |
Just look at all that adorableness! <3 |
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thankful For You
One Year, One Day
Thanksgiving last year was spent in the hospital, but I had so much to be thankful for; namely a perfect, adorable newborn. This year I am thankful for the past 12 months - watching her grow and change, and I am in awe at how quickly she is becoming her own little person with likes and dislikes. Looking forward to her second Christmas and a visit to see SANTA! :)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Gwen celebrated her 1st birthday yesterday. We had her party on Saturday and everything was perfect - 5 months of planning really paid off. So many wonderful memories were made and I am looking forward to another year of wonder and magic with my sweet, little girl.
Thanksgiving last year was spent in the hospital, but I had so much to be thankful for; namely a perfect, adorable newborn. This year I am thankful for the past 12 months - watching her grow and change, and I am in awe at how quickly she is becoming her own little person with likes and dislikes. Looking forward to her second Christmas and a visit to see SANTA! :)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
11 Months, 3 weeks
One year ago today I was 40 weeks pregnant with Gwen. I was ready to meet my sweet little munchkin, but she had other plans. With an induction date set, little did I know I still had a week to go. I can remember that night heading home from work and stopping off at Petsmart to pick up dog food for the fur babies. The cashier was really sweet and we chatted for a moment and then the inevitable question came up: "So when are you due?" My reply: "Today." I'll never forget that exchange with the cashier, because at that point her eyes got incredibly large like I was a ticking time bomb with seconds left to explosion. It was so funny, and all that week I really did feel like a ticking time bomb.
It's hard to believe that in seven short days that little, screaming, pink baby I nursed in my arms for the first time in the recovery room will be one year old. No longer an infant but an official toddler; cruising along furniture, waving bye-bye, pointing, clapping, babbling, eating solids, and soooo close to walking. With each passing day, Gwen amazes me more than the previous as she grows and learns. She is getting so big and the random nights that are spent awake rocking her back to sleep are becoming more and more precious.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Dear Gwen
10 months, 1 week
Dear Gwen:
Sometimes at night I will hear you stir and I'll watch you on the monitor. You toss and turn and I wonder what you are dreaming of. Your puppy dogs? Your kitty cat? The fun you had from playing all day with minimal naps?
You are getting so big! So bright! So incredibly cute and funny.
You've started daycare a few days a week. I was so worried in the beginning, but I know you have so much fun playing with the other children. I love seeing the artwork you "create" with the help from your teachers, and I am secretely plotting on how I can "steal" it from the classroom walls to proudly display on our fridge.
You've gotten germs and consequently sick. I've fretted and felt completely powerless to make you feel well. Worst. Feeling. In. The. World. It's funny, how now that you are here, your well-being is the most important thing in the world to me. Nothing else matters. Any little sniffle, sneeze, or cough sends me into panic mode. I want only to see you thrive. You do.
You are crawling. EVERY WHERE. And when I hold your hands and you take those little tippy-toed steps my heart melts completely. Very soon you will be running all over the place without my help.
Every morning that I am greeted by those great big, good morning smiles makes me glad it's another day but I miss you terribly when I'm at work and not with you. I used to worry that you wouldn't bond with me the way I have bonded with you, but when you see me after a long day away, you flash me a toothy grin and make a bee-line right for me. Best. Feeling. In. The. World.
It's hard to believe almost a year has gone by. So very soon we will be celebrating your first birthday! Wow. Can I stop time? Just for a little while?
You make me happy. So very HAPPY.
I love you to the moon and back,
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